A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software


23 September, 2013

PLM has love and hate relationships with SharePoint. For the last 5-8 years, SharePoint becomes a symbol of mainstream corporate...

20 September, 2013

Our life is getting more and more web-like. Think about applications and tools we use in our everyday life 10...

20 November, 2012

Are you familiar with PLM platform diagrams? You can see lots of them in presentations, marketing materials, websites and conferences....

25 October, 2012

I’m in Atlanta these days attending PLM Innovation Americas conference. Today is the first day, and I’m still expecting many...

8 May, 2012

Let’s talk nuts and bolts today. APIs.. If you think about any PDM / PLM implementation, the question about API...

13 July, 2011

I like searching for new technologies. One of the technologies I’m following a long time already is so called “mashup...

27 July, 2010

I read Jim Brown’s Can Siemens Make More Fun with HD-PLM? Jim is writing about the future of PLM experience. I...

27 July, 2010

I read Jim Brown’s Can Siemens Make More Fun with HD-PLM? Jim is writing about the future of PLM experience....

13 July, 2010

The complexity is probably the biggest problem that exists in PLM today. How can we resolve it? Siemens HD PLM...

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