"Social Software"

How can PLM use Social Search to develop the next innovative products?

Personalization is one of the today’s trends in product development. More and more manufacturers are discovering the ability to develop products that fit particular customer demands. What is especially interesting is to be able to design and develop products following social demands. I think involvement of individuals in product development…


Does Folksonomy Work for PLM?

First of all, I think we need to clarify terms. Folksonomy is the term used for the classification of mechanisms adopted in social and collaborative environments. This is also known as collaborative tagging, social classification and some other buzzwords you can easily Google. I think that folksonomy is very undervalued…


The Social Bill of Material Tools Dream

I’m still dreaming about social Bill of Material tools for organizations. I’ve been  thinking about being able to co-develop a Bill of Materials by a group of people at the same time. Recently, I’ve seen more and more systems offering the ability to work simultaneously on content such as documents,…


How to make PLM social – problem in content?

It has become obvious – social software has made revolutionary changes in our mind. Flickr, Twittter, MySpace, Facebook and many other social services have changed our way of communicating and collaborating. This leads me to ask a few other questions– what about enterprises? And more specifically – what about PLM?…
