
Disruption, Innovation and large PLM vendors

Disruption, Innovation and large PLM vendors

Manufacturing world is changing and it can bring new opportunities for transformation and changes. Few days ago, I posted an article Mature CAD/PLM vendors and startup behavior. The point I made in my conclusion is related to the business of established PLM companies – large vendors are mostly competing with themselves….

PLM implementations and customer requirements

PLM implementations and customer requirements

Talk to any manufacturing company and they can easy convince you that their products, environment, engineering and manufacturing processes are unique. I’ve been in these conversations many times. This conversations and following PLM implementation can get ugly. It might lead to significant PLM configuration and customizations. And the result is an increased cost of…

How bimodal IT strategy can open gates to innovation in PLM

How bimodal IT strategy can open gates to innovation in PLM

I missed PDT Europe this year. But my long time PLM blogging buddy Jos Voskuil did a great job posting his notes about the event. You can read both articles – part 1 and part 2. So, I’ve been catching up on Jos’ notes. My attention was caught by an interesting terminology…

PLM dilemma to support “all clouds”

PLM dilemma to support “all clouds”

After few years of the intensive sprint to support cloud technologies, major PLM vendors are happy to report – yes, we are on the cloud. While the most commonly asked question is “what cloud?”, the answer you usually can hear from vendors is simple – any cloud, just pick one….

5 Attitudes that can kill PLM projects

5 Attitudes that can kill PLM projects

In my experience, I can separate all manufacturing into two large categories with regards to what they want to do with PLM: those who don’t want to do anything with PLM and those who desperately want to implement that, but don’t know where to start. The border between them is…

PLM Vendors and Tunnel Vision

PLM Vendors and Tunnel Vision

I’ve been following Dassault Systems 3DXforum this morning. Thanks for technology improvements these days you can be almost present at the events by combination of live streaming and social media communication. The first presentation by Bill Taylor, Fast Company editor struck me by mentioning of the idea of Tunnel Vision….

PLM cloud options and 2014 SaaS survey

PLM cloud options and 2014 SaaS survey

The number of SaaS businesses is growing these days. You probably had a chance to read my CAD, PLM and Top 500 cloud app vendors list few months ago. However, one size doesn’t fit all. This is certainly true about engineering software and PLM. As PLM companies are moving to the…

PLM implementations: nuts and bolts of data silos

PLM implementations: nuts and bolts of data silos

Data is an essential part of every PLM implementation. It all starts from data – design, engineering, manufacturing, supply chain, support, etc. Enterprise systems are fragmented and representing individual silos of enterprise organization. To manage product data located in multiple enterprise data silos is a challenge for every PLM implementation….

Why Siemens PLM can develop PaaS option

Why Siemens PLM can develop PaaS option

PaaS is a category of cloud computing service providing platform and solution stack. This service model is including not only computing infrastructure (IaaS), but also application design, development, testing, team collaboration, integration features, database integration, scalability, security and others. In addition to that, it might provide service management capabilities such…

How to eliminate PLM customization problems?

How to eliminate PLM customization problems?

I’m following strategic visions of the major PLM vendors 2014+ publication by Jim Brown – well known analyst and my blogging buddy for last few years. It started as a publication covering Autodesk, Dassault, PTC, Siemens (vendors listed alphabetically). Last week, Jim expanded his PLM vision publications by adding Aras Innovator…
