A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

SharePoint Social Platform capability for SolidWorks

SharePoint Social Platform capability for SolidWorks
11 February, 2009 | 1 min for reading

Directly from SolidWorks World



In my previous posts, I discussed the technological possibility of leveraging the social platform capability of SharePoint. This has evolved from a possibility to a real discussion at SolidWorks World 2009Simon Floyd from Microsoft Corp. discussed the topic of collaboration in his session, “Collaboration without Boundaries”. I think that this is a very interesting connection that can improve communication among people (including) facilitating discussion among designers.


You have the ability to initiate a discussion with people connected to you via Office Communicator, Instant Messenger. You also have additional abilities for video and voice communication, as well as capturing these video/voice interactions for future use. I think this is quite cool…

 I’d be interested to get your opinion on this subject. 


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