Microsoft Future Data Visualization, 3D Lifelike Experience and more… A picture is worth 1000 words. We all know this… if we can visualize, we can easy find something we weren’t able to see before. I was looking at some amazing futuristic videos from Microsoft about future data visualization. Look on this – I’m sure you will find it cool.
Think about the products we design and manufacture without tools. Can we experience product usage that will allow us to have all data and information about these products in our hands? Here we come to the idea of Lifelike Experience from DS. This is really cool and I’m sure you will enjoy future videos too.
Now I’d like to come to some practical ideas we may have tomorrow. When you experience a product, and try out the product design, features, configuration, and materials, you need to connect them to real life. Think about a product that you will modify that will have the ability to let you see data about all the problems your customers have with this particular product. Or think about simple information – how many users use this cell phone when you try to change its design. Finally, think about how many complaint people wrote on the blog about the specific product you design… More practical usage are products like 3DVIA composer.
3DVIA Composer. This is information you can share and experience today in manufacturing and with consumers. I think , in the future we will more examples of how to visualize data and product information.