Archive for June, 2009

PLM Prompt: Social PLM and Security

Note…  Reading very interesting study about higher vulnearability of social networkers. We are all very excited about advantages of PLM social product development and social innovation. I think, social software brings a lot of potential.  But what will be security impact for these people and enterprises? My short prompt. How…


PLM, Please Don’t Take Giant Steps…

This post caught my attention last week. “PLM, please take 3 giant steps forward!” by Jim Brown. I’m very well connected to Jim and yet I’d like to pose a controversial question – should PLM do it? I would like to explain my points and look forward to a fruitful…


Future PDM’s Trajectories

I think that with all the hype about Product Lifecycle Management, we completely forgot about Product Data Management (PDM). Despite the fact that we don’t like to speak about PDM too much, I think that some very interesting might happen with Product Data Management in the future 1. Be integrated…


PLM Prompt: What Means to Create “Good Enough” PLM?

Short prompt. I want to continue  theme related to PLM adoption. There are many talks about PLM deployment, ROI, Values etc. But does it make sense to create “good enough PLM”?  What does it mean?  What should be included? This is my priority list: 1/ Flexibility 2/ Usability 3/ Integration…


Why I haven’t bought PLM yet.

Well, Product Lifecycle Management sounds like a very profound concept. I can see organizational benefits, values, etc… etc… But I’m not buying yet! You are probably familiar with such behavior – it all sounds good, but people are keeping their positions and not moving. So, I tried to analyze and…


Complexity Kills or Three Ways to Improve PLM Adoption

In my view, one of the things that is killing PLM the most is the level of technical details. I think PLM is overselling complexity and, as a result, moves people out of this space. PLM is perceived as complex and, as a result, a dangerous place. So, I think,…

PLM Prompt: Faceted Search for PLM

PLM Prompt: Faceted Search for PLM

Short request for discussion. Faceted search is something widely accepted as user experience in many web based environements. I think ability to discover information in this way will be very beneficial for PLM system. What is your opinion? Some examples: 1. Good set of web examples of faceted search 2….


Bing, Bong, BI… where is my PLM decision?

I watched many videos and demos related to Microsoft Bing during the last few weeks. Actually, I liked the idea of a “decision engine” behind a search. So, after experimenting with different types of searches, I finally came to the conclusion that the concept of Decision Management is very close…
