A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM Prompt: Will Google OS become platform for CAD?

PLM Prompt: Will Google OS become platform for CAD?
23 July, 2009 | 1 min for reading

Very Loud Prompt- Google building 3D hardware boost into Chrome.

Google 3D boost

Brad Chen, engineering manager of the Google Native Client said in his presentation – “With O3D, we think we’ll be able to enable high-quality games, the kind you’re accustomed to seeing on consoles, as well as CAD (computer-aided design) applications” .

Since Google already owns SketchUp, I’d assume this will be first CAD system to run on Google OS. However, we can see a new circle of CAD competition on different platforms. In addition to today’s Windows vs. Mac OS, Google OS will come to the game.

Just my opinion… Oleg.

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