A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM Prompt: BI on Cloud. Should PLM follow?

PLM Prompt: BI on Cloud. Should PLM follow?
31 July, 2009 | 0 min for reading

Coming question from Business Intelligence space. There are already several companies dealing with cloud BI Pentaho, Good Data Corp. and some others. At the same time, as it appeared in Computerworld, Microsoft is postponing their plans for BI on a cloud until 2013. It initially announced as Windows Azure Services, now will be postponed until a next version of Office.

MS BI on cloud

Just end of week thoughts.. PLM is about a single version of truth. How do you think BI fits this space? Alternatively, how PLM fits BI space?

Best, Oleg

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