A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM Prompt: Cloud – Is it the last file storage for CAD?

PLM Prompt: Cloud – Is it the last file storage for CAD?
31 August, 2009 | 1 min for reading

Picture 2I’ve been reading blog post by Deelip related CATIA and SolidWorks and thought what can be the final solution for CAD files, problem we are discussing for the last 20-25 years. With everything around moving to cloud, if we can allow to access your data at any time from any location, do you think cloud will become final storage for CAD data? Place you don’t need to import and export anymore, but just use it.

I’m going to think about more and come with more detailed discussion related to technologies that can be used to move CAD data on cloud. But for the moment, just asking your opinion about this option.

Best, Oleg

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