A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM Prompt: Product Data Visualization in MS Excel 2010

PLM Prompt: Product Data Visualization in MS Excel 2010
16 September, 2009 | 0 min for reading

Short Prompt. Excel, in my view, is the most popular engineering and product data management tools. I had chance to discuss Excel multiple times on plmtwine before.

PLM Excel Spreadsheets: From Odes to Woes

Why Do I Like My PLM Spreadsheets?

MS Excel is coming with a set of new visualization features, that I see as a an interesting additional capability for product data visualization. Take a look for more details on the following post in Microsoft Office 2010 Engineering Blog.

Picture 2
How do you see Excel future in the context of PLM?
Best, Oleg

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