A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Social Software and PLM 2.0 Process Planning

Social Software and PLM 2.0 Process Planning
25 May, 2010 | 1 min for reading

The following article Will Social Revive Interest In BPM… drove my attention yesterday. A very interesting quote made me think about how social can transform the PLM process planning –

The proper use of social software in the business will eliminate the need for process designers.  Everyone will be a designer, in the way that everyone is a writer in the blogosphere.

Business Process Management Meets Enterprise 2 0

What is my take on this? I believe the way PLM is planning processes is archaic and need to be redefined. When you implement PLM system today, customer may spend months to get into an agreement about processes. To have people into planning steps in social and more natural way can be an interesting option. Just my thoughts…
Best, Oleg

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