A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

How To Choose PLM? (Visual guide)

How To Choose PLM? (Visual guide)
6 September, 2010 | 1 min for reading

I decided to make an unusual post today. Because of holiday (Labor Day in USA), I spent most of the day working on emails, RSS, twits and  blog comments. iPad is a primary tool in such a type of work. I had a chance to read blog article by Jos Voskuil – Which PLM (to choose)? Inspired by Jos’ arguments I created a simplified visual guide for people who want to think about what PLM to choose during the long weekend. Jot Free was my tool to create it, so this post went live without touching my laptop.

I hope you’ll find it interesting. This is just my opinion. I’m apologizing by not mentioning all companies and difficulties to put URL to company websites using Jot Free.

Best, Oleg

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