A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

GSA and How to Reduce PLM Collaboration Cost?

GSA and How to Reduce PLM Collaboration Cost?
8 December, 2010 | 1 min for reading

Navigate your browser to the following link. GSA is moving to Google Apps. According to the Google blog, US GSA becomes a first US federal organization is moving their 17’000 employees to start using Google Apps for email and document collaboration. Here is the quote:

By making this switch, GSA will benefit in a number of ways. Modern email and collaboration tools will help make employees more efficient and effective. Google Apps will bring GSA a continual stream of new and innovative features, helping the agency keep pace with advances in technology in the years ahead. And taxpayers will benefit too—by reducing the burden of in-house maintenance and eliminating the need to replace hardware to host its email systems, GSA expects to lower costs by 50 percent over the next five years.

Why I think it is important? The collaboration cost is high. Time burden during the work on emails and other non-efficient collaboration tools is enormous. Google is making a point about how possible people can save some money out of collaboration. The same blog posts states move to Google will lower cost by 50%. The amount of inefficient emails in manufacturing company is skyrocketing. Thinking about a potential combination of Google Spreadsheets, Emails with some engineering and manufacturing stuff can make sense.

Just my thoughts…
Best, Oleg

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