A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM Think Tank – February Top 5

PLM Think Tank – February Top 5
9 March, 2011 | 3 min for reading

What is the most genius invention I’ve heard during the last week? What is your guess? Right! The cover of iPad 2. It was magically simple as everything in Apple. And after it happened it becomes so obvious.What can be simpler than to switch off device after you close the device cover? Ha!… Now try to do it on your PC laptop. I think, you understand what I’m talking about. iPad 2, even before it came to Apple stores, is creating a big secondary market of the existing iPad.


Think about existing PLM systems. They are getting older… What about PLM 2.0? Is it something that can come and leverage extensive experience of Google, the internet, Web 2.0 and the power of social networking? Then everybody will run to re-sell existing PLM apps to buy a new stuff. Dreams… I know. PLM vendors are coming with new stuff. PTC Windchill 10, Enovia V6, TeamCenter… New platforms, new apps, new dreams. Now, let’s talk about PLM Think Tank February Top 5.

Integrated PDM and PLM: Wrong Question?
Software has a long lifecycle in manufacturing companies. I found the lifecycle of PDM/PLM software systems is very complicated. Actually, it is as complicated as the product lifecycle they are managing. To change existing systems in a company can be a very costly decision. To re-use existing systems can be a complicated from the technical standpoint, but can lead to a faster ROI. It makes sense to me. The cost of integration can be a key in this story. So, a potentially “wrong question” can lead to the right answer.

PLM Platform Wars: Who is Right or Who is Left?
I wanted to remind wise and relevant words of Bertrand Russell: “War does not determine who is right – only who is left”. The war between PLM platforms can become a disaster for customers. Customers are spending million of dollars investing money in “unbreakable closed platforms”. Each of these systems contains lots of data, which has much bigger value compared to the software that eventually will be re-written every 5-10 years. I think, openness wins for a long run. In my view, PLM companies are only playing with openness. Who will take it seriously first? This might be a company that is left after the battle?

CAD, PLM and Product Cost
Costing is a very important topic, in my view. It is another place where MS Excel has huge market dominance. Software vendors slowly, but started to understand the importance of vertical cost integration. The solution in this space is not obvious and requires significant effort in data integration. So far, I’ve seen little activity in this space.

PLM Standard: From Formats to Frameworks
PLM need to move from the file formats battles to a place where the communication and process framework can be used to control data handsoff and decision making. This will become a new way in development of standards. Used by multiple companies frameworks can evolve into mechanism to realize PLM company roadmap. However, I don’t see one process template fits all companies needs. To have flexible communication and process management tools is absolutely important to make PLM framework successful.

Search Based Application and PLM Innovation
Search technologies are providing a clear advantage in future development of product lifecycle management. I can see a good chance for DS to improve their V6 platform by injecting Exalead stuff inside. At the same time, I don’t see SBA solving key problems of PLM such as complexity and implementation cost. Ownership of these technologies can provide some competitive advantages to Dassault. Other vendors can move to expanding partnership with other search vendors or using open source search technologies such as Lucene/Solr. Manufacturing companies of all sizes will be still interested in how to simplify products and make their next implementation for lower cost.

Best, Oleg

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