I’m coming to AU 2011 this year. As you already know, Autodesk is planning to unveil their PLM story. In the pre-announcement Autodesk made it called – Everything Changes 11/29/11. The formal name of the forum: Everything Changes – The Future of Management of Innovation. I will be the guest of this forum together with Randi Zuckerberg and Monica Schnitger. To tease you a bit, here is the first slide of my presentation.
To learn more about the forum navigate your browser to the following link. This session is planned Tuesday, November 29, 1:00pm. Here is the passage from the forum description saying what you can expect to see from Autodesk folks during this session:
During this forum, we will show that by providing diverse, distributed teams with secure, affordable, easy-to-use, and simple-to-deploy solutions, Autodesk is removing the traditional barriers associated with managing innovation, making information available to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Enabled by the cloud and fully integrated with in-house design applications and data management systems, these solutions streamline business processes and design workflows for increased efficiency, improved profitability, and higher quality outcomes.
Hope to see you next week in Vegas. For all my followers and friends that are not coming, following my twitter stream and hashtag #AU2011 for more information.
Best, Oleg