A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM and IT Consumerization (PLM 2012 in Munich)

PLM and IT Consumerization (PLM 2012 in Munich)
23 February, 2012 | 1 min for reading

I had two very busy days in Munich attending PLM Innovation event. There were lots of great conversations, ideas and demos. Earlier today I had a chance to share my ideas of how Consumerization of IT will influence the future of Product Lifecycle Management. Below, I’d like to share slides of my presentation.

In a nutshell, consumerization shows a significant influence the technological disruption of modern web and mobile technologies in the enterprise. iPhone was a first event. Business as usual is not an option anymore. Five major disruption factors – mobile, social networks, consumerization, cloud and big data will influence future of PLM and enterprise, in general. Just my opinion…

Best, Oleg

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