A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

AU.RU 2012 and PLM / BIM perspective from Russia

AU.RU 2012 and PLM / BIM perspective from Russia
4 October, 2012 | 2 min for reading

During the last two days I attended Autodesk University Russia in Moscow (AU.RU). This year event got a status of AU. Before that it was Autodesk Forum. The number of attendees (~3000) was impressive. It was two intensive days packed with the 16-day agenda. It includes many presentations by customers, training sessions and exhibition program. I’ve made two presentations about PLM and Inforbix technologies acquired by Autodesk. In addition to that I was running a roundtable discussion about cloud technologies.

Autodesk Russia team presented results of the research asking Autodesk customers about PLM and BIM. I found these numbers interesting. You can see charts presenting the results of this research below. Usage of PLM in Russia. 20% of customers are using PLM, 55% of customers heard about PLM, but not using. 25% of customers never heard about PLM, which bump the total number of people generally aware and usePLM to impressive 75%. Frankly, I like the number. The numbers related to usage of BIM in Russia is quite similar (26% – use, 49% – heard, but not using; 29% – never heard).

PLM research results:

BIM research results:

My presentations are are available on slideshare.com – PLM upside down and backward and How to select the right cloud? I enjoyed presenting at AU.RU as well to have many live discussions with Autodesk employees, customers, competitors, industry analysts and bloggers. I put few pictures below to show you the atmosphere of the event.

Press conference:

During one of my sessions:

Main stage:

Autodesk 30 years cake:

What is my conclusion? Autodesk community is interesting and important. I found interesting to discover a similarity in Autodesk community between AU.RU and big AU in Las Vegas. Certainly, Autodesk is trying to share the same event atmosphere between these events. At the same time, you cannot change people and the way they speak and discuss what they do.  3000 people at AU.RU are representing a great community with a significant potential to influence and to grow in the future. Just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg

Photo from my session is courtesy of David Levin (DL blog) – isicad.ru.

Picture Autodesk 30 years is a winner of AU.RU 2012 Sketch competition. 

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