Archive for October, 2012

What is behind “GitHub for CAD” marketing buzz?

What is behind “GitHub for CAD” marketing buzz?

PLM and marketing are not good friends. Marketing did a poor job for the last 10 years for PLM. For many years, PLM was advertised as something that can do everything… and even coffee. At the same time, marketing is indeed very important. Especially, it is critical for a new startup company….

4 Reasons Why It Is Hard to Deliver MBOM in PLM?

4 Reasons Why It Is Hard to Deliver MBOM in PLM?

Manufacturing Bill of Materials or MBOM. Where it belongs and how to support it right? Does it part of your ERP system? PLM system? Is it a piece that normally fails between chairs of engineering and manufacturing? In PLM development, manufacturing BOM is usually a piece of functionality that raises…

“PLM for Makers” or How To Support Next Industrial Revolution?

“PLM for Makers” or How To Support Next Industrial Revolution?

I’m sure, you learned about two industrial revolutions back in your school-time. First industrial revolution started in 18th century in Great Britain and second industrial revolution from second half of 19th century and until First World War. You can refresh your memories by reading the materials from wikipedia. I found…

PLM and Immersive Language Tools

PLM and Immersive Language Tools

Globalization is a reality of today’s manufacturing environment. It is no unusual to have even small companies distributed across the globe. At the time, web technologies are helping us to deploy systems globally, people collaboration is still something that goes beyond the technology. One of the most critical factors is…

Will PLM follow a custom hardware path?

Will PLM follow a custom hardware path?

I want to talk about hardware today. You probably surprised, but I hope not so much. During the last 10-15 years, the majority of works PDM/PLM systems were doing were focused on the commodity low end x-86 servers. There is nothing wrong with that. Nevertheless, I can see some new…

What Oracle multi-tenancy means for PLM providers?

What Oracle multi-tenancy means for PLM providers?

In the world of cloud applications, there is a magic term “multi-tenancy” that usually raises many debates. A couple of months ago, I blogged about multi-tenancy. Navigate to the following link to read Cloud PLM: What do you need to know about multitenancy? One of the topics, I covered, was…

3 Priorities to Rebuild PLM with Zero Overhead

3 Priorities to Rebuild PLM with Zero Overhead

Two weeks ago, I published a provoking blog post proposing to stop “Engineering PLM”. Quite many people responded – the approach I discussed touched many aspects PLM considered as fundamental principles to create a successful PLM system – starting from CAD, taking control of design documents, expanding to BOM/change management…

Do you think the cloud is big enough for PLM?

Do you think the cloud is big enough for PLM?

I have many discussions these days about cloud PLM with variety of people in different roles – technical, marketing, sales, etc. Early this week, I had a chance to run a roundtable discussion during Autodesk University Russia 2012 – How to select the right Cloud? It is interesting to see…

AU.RU 2012 and PLM / BIM perspective from Russia

AU.RU 2012 and PLM / BIM perspective from Russia

During the last two days I attended Autodesk University Russia in Moscow (AU.RU). This year event got a status of AU. Before that it was Autodesk Forum. The number of attendees (~3000) was impressive. It was two intensive days packed with the 16-day agenda. It includes many presentations by customers, training…

What is the future of PLM research?

What is the future of PLM research?

I’m in Moscow these days to attend the first Autodesk University Russia (AU.Ru). Even so, I feel like attending multiple conferences at the same time. During the last two days, I was following the twitter discussion about CIMdata PLM Roadmap 2012 in Michigan, USA as well as reading about Bricsys…
