A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Cloud PLM and the Old Enterprise Trap

Cloud PLM and the Old Enterprise Trap
16 May, 2013 | 2 min for reading

Enterprise software is a fascinating place these days. It comes in a different angles and perspective. The disruption of consumer technologies, cloud, BYOD and many other factors. We can see the influence coming from both technological and business factors. Few months ago, I posted – PLM, Viral Sales and Enterprise Old Schoolers. While enterprise sales is still a tricky game, lots of thing are going to change, in my view. The following webinar invitation just landed in my email box this morning – Cloud ERP, Myths, Reality and the Old ERP trap. Jim Brown is well known as an analyst in engineering, manufacturing and enterprise domains. He is also my long time blogging buddy and co-starring at Tech4PD Show. I hope to attend webinar tomorrow (sponsored by Plex system). I found the following passage from webinar introduction interesting:

“…how cloud ERP helps overcome financial and IT resource constraints that keep companies stuck on outdated ERP systems that don’t provide the information they need to make good, timely business decisions…”

Moving on, I found the following part of webinar promotion resonating with the way any cloud enterprise system (PLM included) can be introduced and adopted in enterprise organization. In general, I can see companies are trapped in existing enterprise systems. On average, any company invested millions of dollars implementing ERP, CRP and PLM systems. The following steps clearly can show a path how to get out of this “enterprise trap”.  Read the following bullets and let me know if it makes sense to me.

  • Understand cloud myths and realities.
  • Overcome real and imagined financial obstacles to better systems.
  • Break IT resource barriers.
  • Rely on agile, speedy, flexible solutions that are accessible from anywhere 24/7.
  • Improve visibility across your entire enterprise.
  • Hear real-life success stories from manufacturers who made the move to cloud ERP.

Enterprise systems are complex and required time and effort to understand and implement. This is true for enterprise CRP, ERP, PLM and other systems. At the same time, enterprises and manufacturing companies are asking these how to break the limit of existing software models and barriers. Many companies are looking for alternative models. Helping them to understand cloud technology better, can be beneficial from both sides.

What is my conclusion? Slowly, but surely, enterprise companies are coming to understanding of what role cloud systems can play in the future enterprise software eco-system. To bring unlimited resources, cut implementation cost, improve level of visibility and collaboration – this is only a short list and starting point IT will use on the way out of old enterprise trap. It will take time and resources, but we will come there. Just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg

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