A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

February 2014

28 February, 2014

Web search became part of our life. We don’t search anymore, we “google” everything . The visible simplicity of Google...

26 February, 2014

Life is transforming around us. Technology and communication are coming to our personal and business life. So, it comes to...

25 February, 2014

Metadata is “data about data”. If you stay long with PDM industry, you probably remember how earlier EDM/PDM software defined...

24 February, 2014

I think Facebook buying WhatsApp for $19B was a refreshing experience for everybody. For the last week, I’ve got tsunami...

23 February, 2014

Amazon Web Services is one of the most popular cloud platform these days. We can say that Amazon became de-facto...

21 February, 2014

JIT (Just in Time) is a well-known approach in manufacturing industry. In a nutshell, JIT is a production strategy to reduce...

20 February, 2014

Business is going global. It is not only for large manufacturing companies these days. As a result of cost pressure...

19 February, 2014

Remember our life before internet? The meaning of community was about social group that shares common values. Actually, the history...

18 February, 2014

While industry is clearly moving to the cloud, the question about choosing right cloud model is getting more important. In my...

17 February, 2014

For the last few years, open source was one of the major disruptive factor in tech. Open source powers world’s...

14 February, 2014

Product Data Management (PDM) is not a new buzz. Lots of things where written and spoken about how to manage...

13 February, 2014

Our information life is getting more complicated these days. The time when our digital channel was limited to our desktop...

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