Archive for March, 2014

PLM and 25 years of Internet

PLM and 25 years of Internet

It has been 25 years of Internet anniversary yesterday. Lots of article covering this event were flown around earlier this week. The Independent article – 25 years of the World Wide Web: Tim Berners-Lee explains how it all began covers the story together with world wide web inventor Tim Berners-Lee. Even…

CAD Collaboration & Cloud: Chat With GrabCAD’s Hardi Meybaum

CAD Collaboration & Cloud: Chat With GrabCAD’s Hardi Meybaum

I had new kind of experience yesterday. It was on demand webinar. To me it was more like live blogging conversation. In case you following my twitter closely, you probably noticed webinar yesterday – CAD Collaboration & the Cloud: On-Demand Webinar with GrabCAD & Beyond PLM. I had a…

Who will create Google Sheets BOM (Bill Of Materials) Add-On?

Who will create Google Sheets BOM (Bill Of Materials) Add-On?

For the last few years, I’ve been chatting about the opportunity to use Google infrastructure and tools to innovate in PLM, engineering and manufacturing.  Google enterprise apps influence on PDM/PLM market is still minor these days. However, I believe, Google cloud infrastructure and tools are consistently inspire established vendors and…

Why and when to re-think PDM?

Why and when to re-think PDM?

PDM (Product Data Management) isn’t a new discipline. Nevertheless, I think, PDM is going through the time of disruption and renaissance. Cloud, social and mobile technologies are changing the way we’ve been working in the past. From that side, I can see companies that trying to re-invent PDM with a…

Part and Document Management: Why is it Complex?

Part and Document Management: Why is it Complex?

Parts and Documents are two different objects in engineering, product development and manufacturing. While “part” usually represents physical object, “document” usually represents specification, drawing or 3D model of part. Even it it sounds obvious, Document and Part management is not an easy and simple task. In my post – How…

How to manage Document versions, revisions and Part numbers

How to manage Document versions, revisions and Part numbers

Identifications, Part Numbers, Documents, Revisions. Despite initial simplicity these terms are often create confusion in organizations and lead to additional misunderstanding. Design and Motion blog post When a version is just a version and a revision is more  made me think again about differences between document revisions / version and…

Does PLM have a chance to win over ERP dominant position?

Does PLM have a chance to win over ERP dominant position?

PLM and ERP have long “love and hate” relationships in manufacturing world. You can find lots of materials speaking about complementary roles of PLM and ERP. This is of course true. However, integration between PLM and ERP never been easy. Despite many technologies, systems and solutions available on the market,…

How PLM can take over Excel spreadsheets?

How PLM can take over Excel spreadsheets?

Excel spreadsheet. What a lovely topic! You can find spreadsheets in every manufacturing and engineering organization. Sometimes, I call it  – #1 PLM software in the world. There are lots of good things in using Excel spreadsheets. Almost five years ago I posted – Why do I like my PLM…

Bill of Materials (BOM): process or technology challenge?

Bill of Materials (BOM): process or technology challenge?

The importance of Bill of Material in product development and manufacturing hardly can be undervalued. BOM is a cornerstone of almost all processes and activities – from early requirement and design and to manufacturing, services and support. Therefore, efficient BOM management is an absolutely important element of product development processes….
