A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Google Maps, Knowledge Graph and high-end PLM user experience

Google Maps, Knowledge Graph and high-end PLM user experience
28 May, 2014 | 2 min for reading

To present product information visually is not a simple tasks. It combines multiple domains of information – 3D model, design specification, material characteristics, simulation, etc. This is one of the most critical places to innovate for major CAD and PLM companies.

Few years ago I was writing about PLM visual reporting in CAD and PLM. I specifically mentioned two applications – Siemens HD-3D/PLM and Dassault 3D Live. I’m not sure if Siemens and Dassault marketing are still keeping the same names, but I can see both vendors are continuously developing the idea of information representation in HD-PLM and 3DEXPERIENCE. Recent announcement about Dassault 3DEXPERIENCE platform to stop using files and “link to data” is another confirmation about future merge of 3D CAD and other related data in a single environment using the same screen real estate.

Dassault Systems V6/3D Experience


Siemens PLM (HD-PLM)


My attention was caught by the information about Google Knowledge Graph (GKG) support by Google Maps. If you follow my blog, you probably had a chance to read about Google Knowledge Graph – Why PLM need to learn about Google Knowledge Graph?; PLM, Google Knowledge Graph and Future Decision Support and How PLM can join semantic enterprise graph?

On few screenshots below, you can see how GKG information about different objects can be accessed from Google Maps.

Object meta data on the map



Actionable data on the map (book hotel room & rate)


Additional contextual information about the object on the map


I found this information extremely interesting. Here is the thing. In my view, Google Map is one of the best applications on the web combining graphical map data with other information. The data is interconnected. Google Knowledge Graph information connected with Map information is presenting a very interesting experience when Map plays a role of contextual navigation tool to other data. At the same time, GKG info panels can provide an access to other information.

What is my conclusion? It is hard to visualize complex contextual information. I found lots of similarities between how Map and GKG data can be mixed together and the way 2D/3D information can be mixed with other product information (metadata, simulation, etc.) To use proven visualization paradigm can help to get fast user adoption. It will be interesting to see how high-end PLM user experience will evolve within time. Just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg

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