A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

October 2014

31 October, 2014

Data has tremendous value for any manufacturing organization. Nobody can dispute that. One of value propositions of PLM is to...

30 October, 2014

Enterprise IT adoption cycle diagram made by Simon Wardley made me feel sad and funny at the same time. I found...

29 October, 2014

I had a chance to attend MassChallenge Awards event tonight at Boston Convention Center. For those of your who is...

28 October, 2014

The complexity of manufacturing is skyrocketing these days. It sounds reasonable for many of us when it comes to spaceships,...

28 October, 2014

  Few months ago, I posted about potential for Apple and IBM to open a door for mobile PLM future....

26 October, 2014

One of the most prominent marketing slogans in PLM and enterprise software is related to “replacement of Excel”. I have...

24 October, 2014

The number of SaaS businesses is growing these days. You probably had a chance to read my CAD, PLM and...

23 October, 2014

I want to continue the theme of how do we move to the cloud. While Amazon remains one of the...

22 October, 2014

How do you move to the cloud? This is one of topics I’m discussing on my blog for the last...

21 October, 2014

The digital life around us is changing. It was a time when everything we did was running around desktop computer....

20 October, 2014

Workflows and processes. This is an important part of any company. Like blood goes through your body, workflows are going...

17 October, 2014

Data has an important place in our life. Shopping lists, calendars, emails, websites, family photos, trip videos, documents, etc. We want...

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