New Technology

How to Unlock the Future of Manufacturing by Opening PLM/ERP to Connect Processes and Optimize Decision Support

How to Unlock the Future of Manufacturing by Opening PLM/ERP to Connect Processes and Optimize Decision Support

Manufacturing companies are continuously looking how to improve business processes, bring new business models, and accelerate new product development and innovation. These days it is directly connected to establishment of a digital transformation strategy and digital transformation initiatives. It helps to companies to focus on specific aspects of the business…

Graph Databases, GQL Standard, and Future of PLM Data Layers

Graph Databases, GQL Standard, and Future of PLM Data Layers

Data is the lifeblood and foundation of product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions. In a world where data management is quickly becoming an integral part of every business, thinking about data and data management is one of the first priorities. Although earlier PDM/PLM systems made attempts to develop proprietary data management…

Reshoring Trajectories, PLM Analytics, and Graph Data Science

Reshoring Trajectories, PLM Analytics, and Graph Data Science

Earlier this week, my attention was caught by a CNBC article Firms are bringing production back home because of the Ukraine war, China’s slowdown. While it was not a complete surprise to me to learn about reshoring, I found some of the data points coming in the article very interesting….
