Interesting prompt – Microsoft published white paper – Social Computing in Enterprise. Quite interesting reading about Microsoft’s vision of collaboration...
It’s impossible to speak about collaboration these days, in my opinion, without touching Google Wave. I analyzed multiple presentations, demos,...
Short prompt on seamless integration between Google Apps and Microsoft Outlook. We all know, email is one of the strongest...
We have been talking about collaboration a lot these days. I was thinking about how collaboration can happen with designers....
I think that I’m not exaggerating by saying that every conversation about “collaboration” last week started from the Google Wave...
Analyzing waves comes out of Google Wave presentation. I can see multiple responses and perspectives on potentail use of Google...
I’ve been playing with Microsoft Vine Beta last few days. For me this is sort of contextual collaboration. You can put...
After starting a massive Excel discussion last week and continuing this week, I got a lot of comments that I...
Look on announcement of Wolfram Alpha: Today’s Wolfram Alpha is the first step in an ambitious, long-term project to make...
I think everybody cares about Bill of Materials. This is quite fundamental for everything we do in Product Lifecycle Management....
Collaboration is a magic word that we use a lot in Product Lifecycle Management. I’d say we also use the...
In the last few posts, I wrote about how you can use Enterprise 2.0 tools to improve various processes related...