Search Results For: “monolithic ”

From Data Exchange and Data Interoperability to Connected Processes

From Data Exchange and Data Interoperability to Connected Processes

Autodesk’s article Why Data Interoperability Is Game-Changing for Collaboration written by Amy Banzel caught my attention over the weekend. It speaks about the future of interoperability but comes with a shift. The industry is moving from “files” to “data” and this is a very remarkable event. For more than two…

From PLM Platforms to Online Services

From PLM Platforms to Online Services

A few years ago, “platformization:” was a hot term. CIMdata was sharing their study about the role of platforms in future PLM development. Check this out here – Product Innovation Platforms: Definition, Their Role in the Enterprise, and Their Long-Term Viability. Platforms CIMdata defines strategically the value of a platform…

How To Build A Connected Lifecycle?

How To Build A Connected Lifecycle?

Connected is such a powerful word. We like it and it feels good. We like to be connected these days. There are many systems to help us to stay connected – web sites, social networks, messaging applications, video chat… you name it. However, when it comes to enterprise applications and…

Is there a value in PLM data standards?

Is there a value in PLM data standards?

Standards are important. They play an important role in our life. There are a different type of standards. There are government, industry, city and professional standards. There are standards for environmental impact (filtering of exhaust fumes), food (labeling), transportation (rail track), information (ISBN), accounting standards (GAAP). There are many professional…

Future-proof PLMs

Future-proof PLMs

One of the biggest competition is competition with the status quo. Exactly one year ago, I wrote about legacy PLM. I found interesting to see how PLM vendors are attacking so-called “legacy” platforms. The definition of a legacy platform is somewhat vague. Here is the one from last year: Legacy…

What will drive cloud PLM adoption in the manufacturing industry?

What will drive cloud PLM adoption in the manufacturing industry?

Manufacturing companies are discovering cloud technologies. As much as it brings excitement, it also brings questions and challenges. Here is a quote from last year research made by CIMdata related to cloud adoption: Cloud adoption clearly has benefits, but it also creates issues for organizations using it. Integrating cloud-based PLM…

How Different is Aras Requirements Engineering?

How Different is Aras Requirements Engineering?

Many years ago, I’ve heard a very serious marketing joke. How to create enterprise software? It is easy – just take one of the words from the lexicon of manufacturing company and add the word “management”. I hope you’ve got my point – Product Data Management, Material Management, Supply Chain…

Aras PLM Platform – All or Nothing?

Aras PLM Platform – All or Nothing?

Everyone speaks about the platforms these days. The word “platform” is overused, but all PLM vendors have started to use it intensively. PLM analysts and researches put a theoretical foundation of platform development. One of them is Product Innovation Platform by CIMdata. Platforms are comprised of multiple applications and integrated…

Top Beyond PLM discussions from 2018

Top Beyond PLM discussions from 2018

Holidays week is here and it means the traditional time to write ‘best of.. ‘, ‘top…’ and similar type of blog posts. I’ve been traditionally publishing my top Beyond PLM blog posts usually ranked by number of views. But this year, I decided to make it a bit differently. I’m…
