Search Results For: “monolithic ”

What PLM vendors can offer in exchange of ownership of your data?

What PLM vendors can offer in exchange of ownership of your data?

For many years, PLM companies lived with the vision and value proposition of single source of truth (SSOT). Last month in Chicago during PLMx session, I shared my ideas how PLM can extract more business value from PLM. Check my article here. The idea of digital value chain sounds appealing…

PLM multi-clouds

PLM multi-clouds

For the last few years, PLM community and vendors got used to the word “cloud”. You can see that every vendor has cloud PLM or cloud-ready or cloud-enabled solution.  However, cloud seems to be an old news. I’ve got an email from TechTarget telling me that the “word of today”…

PLM magicians and future of data management

PLM magicians and future of data management

Magic is one of the old professions in the world. Some articles nominates magician to be a second old profession. However, I found interesting that magic had changed from generation to generation. Many centuries ago, magicians were advisers to kings and emperors. Long before advanced science and medicine, magicians influenced…

Microservice & advantages of  PLM cloud native apps

Microservice & advantages of  PLM cloud native apps

People are hard. We know that. There are so many articles written about complexity of changes, people management and PLM implementations. However, here is that thing  – I think technology matters. Especially when it comes to cost and scale. I was attending HOOPs summit in Boston yesterday organized by TechSoft3D….

What PLM systems are actually supporting microservice architecture?

What PLM systems are actually supporting microservice architecture?

Technology and marketing are often going side by side. Today, I want to talk about SOA (service oriented architecture), web services, microservices and monolithic architecture. These issues raised many questions and created lot of confusion in PLM technology and marketing in the past few years. Let me start from “monolithic…

How digital unbundling will destroy traditional PLM business

How digital unbundling will destroy traditional PLM business

“Digital” was a big word  last year and I think it will become even bigger trend in 2018. While some companies are in full speed adopting digital strategies and methods, other companies are still learning. Today I want to talk about PLM vendors and how their business might be negatively…

E-Estonia – PLM system for a whole country?

E-Estonia – PLM system for a whole country?

PLM people always had a big vision. How to build a PLM for a whole company. For entire supply chain. PLM for extended enterprise. PLM for downstream and upstream processes. How to include non engineers in PLM activities. How to make all people in the company to use PLM. These…

Innovation Platforms – a better version of PLM walled garden? 

Innovation Platforms – a better version of PLM walled garden? 

I’ve been reading Jim Brown’s article about Innovation Platforms over the weekend. Navigate the future! Check the following link to read it – Operating System for the Digital Enterprise | Navigate the Future. The article is published on Dassault Systemes blog with the remark that Jim Brown will host a…
