Search Results For: “monolithic ”

Death trajectory of cloud PLM PaaS

Death trajectory of cloud PLM PaaS

Unless you lived under the rock for the last few years, you’ve heard words IaaS, PaaS and SaaS at least few times. While IaaS and SaaS are relatively easy to explain, PaaS is one of the most disputed cloud concepts. Many enterprise vendors took PaaS concept to create a strategies…

Is there a place for “serverless” PLM systems?

Is there a place for “serverless” PLM systems?

At the beginning, PLM was a toolkit that was literally customized and build for a specific (usually large) manufacturing company. Since then, PDM / PLM vendors made a long way down to the path of how simplify applications, create pre-configured templates (best practices), improve user experience and eliminate the need…

Product Innovation Platform: I know it when I see it?

Product Innovation Platform: I know it when I see it?

Are you familiar with famous definition of pornography used in 1964 by United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart? Check Wikipedia article if you want to refresh your memory: I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [“hard-core…

Intelligence is the next step to reinvent business processes

Intelligence is the next step to reinvent business processes

Change is hard. Think about enterprise and manufacturing company trying to change their systems, business processes or even upgrade from one version of enterprise system to a new one. If you got involved at least once in such process, I’m sure you’re familiar with the pain and complexity. IT and…

Product Innovation Platform: single vendor mousetrap and agile services

Product Innovation Platform: single vendor mousetrap and agile services

Product Innovation Platform is a term that coined for the last 2-3 years to describe a new way to design, manufacturing and support productions. Products are more complex and manufacturing is even more distributed. The questions how to manage a growing complexity with new engineering and manufacturing software paradigm is on…

Developers, no-code workflows and PLM platforms

Developers, no-code workflows and PLM platforms

Flexibility was one of the key elements always demanded by engineering and manufacturing applications. The diversity of requirements is high and therefore without enough flexibility you have hard time to accomplish a goal to tailor CAD, PDM or PLM system to the needs of a specific user. Flexibility usually comes…

Cloud PLM: from servers to multi-tenant apps

Cloud PLM: from servers to multi-tenant apps

We live in an interesting time of computing model transformation. Some of us can still remember Mainframe era 40-50 years ago. Computing platforms were monolithic and centralized. That was the time manufacturing resource planning and accounting systems came to manufacturing companies. The next stage was all about client-server. Cheaper architecture, wide…

Will PLM microservices kill platform dinosaurs?

Will PLM microservices kill platform dinosaurs?

Until now we had enough said about “cloud”. While PLM vendors are still disputing what is a true and false cloud, the things are moving forward. Have you heard about “microservices”? You probably should… Because, microservices is one of these things that can give you a better sense about different…

PLM – competition with status quo?

PLM – competition with status quo?

When customers don’t purchase product or services, the typical assumption that sales lost to their competitor. But in reality, the competition may not be the problem. According to brutal statistic mentioned by Forbes article, about 60% of leads are not translated into actual sales. The reason is simple – customer…
