
Real-time collaborative edit is coming to CAD & PLM

Real-time collaborative edit is coming to CAD & PLM

Collaboration is an interesting term. It used a lot in the context of different applications. But it has different forms. Emails, text messages, tweets, workflow processes. All these technologies are allowing us to “collaborate” and we’ve been using them for many years. However, nothing can replace real time collaboration and…

The demand for live connected collaboration

The demand for live connected collaboration

Our environment is getting more distributed then ever. The borders between work, home and mobile environments are blurring. What is the right answer to such a change? Software vendors are developing and acquiring new technologies and products to help them to manage data and communication in such environment. My attention was…

How to plan for better product development collaboration in 2016

How to plan for better product development collaboration in 2016

Collaboration was an important element in the development of product lifecycle technologies. First PDM and PLM systems allowed to control data access, share information and communicate between team members. Back those days, processes in manufacturing organizations were managed using emails and paper trays. So, PDM / PLM collaboration was quite…

Next-Generation Collaboration Challenge

Next-Generation Collaboration Challenge

Collaboration is one of these magic words that often used by software vendors to explain value proposition of PDM and PLM solutions. You might remember in the past “collaborative PDM” and other trends. In fact, leading PLM analytic company CIMdata is still using collaborative PDM (cPDM) definition. I captured the…

Can group chat turn PLM into addiction?

Can group chat turn PLM into addiction?

Social was once was a hot topic in PLM industry eco-system. The use of social networks is increasing. The latest Columbia Journalist Review article says Facebook is eating the word. According to the following passage: The majority of American adults are Facebook users, and the majority of those users regularly get…

The death of “asynchronish” collaborative dream

The death of “asynchronish” collaborative dream

Collaboration is such a fancy word in a lexicon of technology and software. Looking backward we discovered variety of ways to collaborate – email, instant messaging, voice, video, etc. Each one was bringing a specific “flavor” of collaboration and open new ways to help people to communicate and work together….

Slack: Future operation system and PLM platform?

Slack: Future operation system and PLM platform?

How often you communicate using various messaging applications? My hunch you might use it more often that voice call these days. Text messages, iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Google Hangout Chat. One of the things that caught my attention recently is a growing interest in chat and messaging applications. I remember…

3 challenges to develop cloud storage and collaboration tools for engineers

3 challenges to develop cloud storage and collaboration tools for engineers

For the last few years, we’ve seen a number of attempts to develop specialized CAD data collaboration tools by leveraging cloud technologies. GrabCAD was probably the most successful one. More than one million engineers joined GrabCAD. In addition, before acquisition by Stratasys, GrabCAD developed cloud PDM tool – Workbench. Few…

Is there a need for “real time” collaboration between engineers?

Is there a need for “real time” collaboration between engineers?

Technology is moving forward. The last wave of the development in cloud and mobile technologies, data management and collaboration created a tremendous opportunity to change the way people think and work together. It can impact company processes strategically as well as a unlock a potential to innovate differently. It applies…

How to close collaboration gaps in CAD and PDM

How to close collaboration gaps in CAD and PDM

We don’t have to share the same room to work together these days. Business are discovering globalization option following customers across the globe, skilled workforce, capital and supply chain option. In such environment, it is an imperative goal to develop reliable collaboration option. There are many technologies these day that…
