A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software


28 May, 2013

Do you like acronyms and buzzwords? Not much, I guess. You probably familiar with that one – BYOD (Bring Your...

27 May, 2013

Technology field is deeply surrounded with different type of buzzwords. The terminology is a complicated part of enterprise software and...

23 May, 2013

Office and other productivity tools are un-separateable parts of product development environment. Some of them such Microsoft Excel literally can...

22 May, 2013

Collaboration. Magic and one of the most confusing words. People are using it in so many contexts that it became...

29 April, 2013

Recent tragic event in Boston, raised again the question about critical role of real time information integration. You may think,...

24 April, 2013

Do you think Big Data and noSQL are the last and coolest trend in data world? No way. Software architects...

22 April, 2013

The last decade was all about 2.0. To me, 2.0 trend was about how to re-think existing norms and behaviors,...

19 April, 2013

Technological predictions are tough and nobody wants to make them. Back in 2010, I came with the following post –...

13 April, 2013

The world around us is changing much faster these days. It happens in many places. Business environment are much more...

5 April, 2013

Working with engineers is like herding cats. Try to put few engineers in a room and get an agreement. If...

4 April, 2013

Native Apps vs. HTML5 enabled web user experience? This is a dilemma for many developers these days.  People are spending...

3 April, 2013

PLM implementations are complex. How many times have you heard about that? I think a lot. Last 15-20 years of PDM/PLM business...

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