A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM innovation – is it about risk?

PLM innovation – is it about risk?
5 December, 2008 | 1 min for reading

PLM innovation – is it about risk?

In today’s world everybody speak about innovation. I’d like to ask you about what is needed to step into innovation world. My conclusion about what is silver bullet for innovation – is all about your ability to take risk. No risk – no innovation! Will PLM software companies be able to take risk and leapfrog leveraging new innovative development?

 In my view, this week the most interesting comment on ability to innovate belongs this to Burt Ruthan from Scaled Composites. Burt Ruthan on innovation: Your ability to innovate is inversely proportional to your client’s self-perceived sophistication.” This is why, for example, Rutan’s company Scaled Composites could never have built a spaceship for NASA–they’re too sure of their own expertise to take risks.

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