A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM Think Tank – April’s Top 5 Posts

PLM Think Tank – April’s Top 5 Posts
14 May, 2010 | 3 min for reading

Are you familiar with the term “Continues Partial Attention“? I found it as a very compelling to what is going with Information Overloaded (IO) these days. Here is Wikipedia’s definition of CPA:

The term Continuous Partial Attention (CPA) was coined by Linda Stone in 1998.[1][2] Author Steven Berlin Johnson describes this as a kind of multitasking: “It usually involves skimming the surface of the incoming data, picking out the relevant details, and moving on to the next stream. You’re paying attention, but only partially. That lets you cast a wider net, but it also runs the risk of keeping you from really studying the fish.”[3] Continuous partial attention is about scanning continuously for opportunities across a network, not solely about optimizing one’s time by multitasking.

I’m starting to post a new write up every month for those who is not able to follow my blog on a daily basis. For such purpose, I will create a short summary of top five discussions on Daily PLM Think Tank monthly. In this list, you will see blog posts that got the largest number of views and number of comments.

So, here is my April Top 5 summary.

3D CAD Future or How To Liberate Data
This post was inspired by Mike Payne’s presentation about MCAD future on COFES 2010. My take on this was about how future data liberation can improve design and engineering intercommunication and effectiveness. The most important outcomes for me are removal of dependencies on CAD vendor, focus on competition between tools and not between data formats and data models and better long term data retention.

PLM Excels and The Ugly Truth About iPad
New release Apple’s table generates lots of interest and questions with regards to how it will be used by different categories of people. I discovered an interesting segment of applications – spreadsheets. Apple’s Numbers can play a very good game and helps to visualize and present lots of engineering data on iPad. Do you think it will be “new Excel” on the touch screen?

PLM Data Identification and Part Numbers
This simple topic raised huge amount of attention and interest. I found that despite the fact all manufacturing and engineering organization are handling Part Numbers, there are not much agreement on this topic. Many opinions with very controversial proposals about how to do so.

Why Do We Need PLM Data Model?
PLM modeling is another interesting topic I discovered last month. What it is important and what are the key characteristics of the potential PLM models and implementations.  I presented my view on the uniqueness of PLM model and how I see the evolution of PLM models related to the standardization activities.

PLM and Social Tools: The Odd Couple

Social tools are in focus of many online discussions these days. In this post, I tried to figure out what differentiate between PLM and Social Tools. Also, I wanted to point on the characteristics of PLM systems that will make a problematic introduction of social tools in manufacturing organizations as well as a disruptive role of social tools in the future of PLM collaboration.

It was my PLM Think Tank Top 5 for April 2010. See you next month!
Best, Oleg


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