Archive for July, 2010

Product Information and Social Syndication

A very interesting video drove my attention today. Take a look on the new iPad application from a Valley company – Flipboard. The original idea is to make social information streams (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to become consumable in a way you grandma can do it… Take a look and make…

PLM, Technological Choice and Open Source Revolution

PLM, Technological Choice and Open Source Revolution

The acceptance of Open Source technologies is growing. One of the latest examples of products in open source movement that caught my attention was Lucid Imagination. Lucid is built on top of Lucene and Solr – open source search libraries and enterprise search solutions. I was thinking about trajectories of…


Product Data Formats for the 21st Century

Data formats is an interesting topic in the context of engineering and manufacturing. Manufacturing is relaying on a significant amount of information that resides in the organizations. I had a chance to write in the past – 3D CAD Future: How To Liberate Data? I think, the topic is actually…

Knovel and Engineering Information

Knovel and Engineering Information

The ability to have an important engineering information reference seems to me obvious. Thanks for one of my readers, who sent me information about Knovel. I found the Knovel’s web site interesting and even with my little engineering background, I could find some useful information. I found specially interesting the experience…

Communism and 10-Year PLM Vision

Communism and 10-Year PLM Vision

I read MCADCafe article – PLMIG announces a 10-Year PLM Industry Vision. It navigates you to PLM IG (Interest Group) where you can read a short article of PLM Industry Vision for 2020. I found the following statement interesting: By 2020, PLM has been publicised and developed as a professional activity so that…

Product Data Formats for the 21st Century

Product Data Formats for the 21st Century

Data formats is an interesting topic in the context of engineering and manufacturing. Manufacturing company is relaying on a significant amount of information that resides in the organizations. I had a chance to write in the past – 3D CAD Future: How To Liberate Data? I think, the topic is…

PLM and Design Buildings

PLM and Design Buildings

Almost a year ago, I posted PLM and BIM – Common Roots Or Common Future. I think these two domains will have very interesting trajectories in the future. I’m continuously coming back in my thinking about the potential of PLM and BIM together. Last week, I read Solidsmack post – Design Buildings Using…


PLM – Do The Right Thing?

My new website and blog is BeyondPLM. The original post is here. I read two blog articles written by Mark Suster in his blog Both Sides of the Table – The Benefits Of Top Down Thinking andDoing the Right Things is More Important than Doing Things Right. Mark is entrepreneur, investor and general…


PLM Think Tank In Numbers

Note: My new website and blog is BeyondPLM. I’m proud to share some numbers about live discussions that happen in PLM Think Tank: Think Tank Topics: 500. Total Page Views: 250’000. Number of comments: 3800. You can see the full list of topics here. Thank you all for helping me…

PLM – Do The Right Thing?

PLM – Do The Right Thing?

I read two blog articles written by Mark Suster in his blog Both Sides of the Table – The Benefits Of Top Down Thinking and Doing the Right Things is More Important than Doing Things Right. Mark is entrepreneur, investor and general partner in GRP Partners.  Mark is not writing about Product Lifecycle…
