A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Technia and PLM Implementation Secret Sauce

Technia and PLM Implementation Secret Sauce
16 November, 2010 | 2 min for reading

The following announcement came to my attention yesterday. Technia annouces Technia Value Components Release 2010-3 future increase the value of ENOVIA. I found it interesting. Technia is a Sweden outfit with a deep and diverse set of skills of PLM implementations. Technia came to my attention first time as a reseller of MatrixOne (acquired by Dassault in 2006). Technia relations with MatrixOne have a long history of customer implementation and development.

I specially liked the following passage from the announcement:

With the experience from +50 larger PLM implementations, Technia seized on the fact that many organizations request similar customizations of their ENOVIA/MatrixOne systems. Technia developed the TVCs to componentize these common changes and streamline implementations. TVCs not only close the gap between requested and out-of-the-box functionality, but also reduce the time and cost required to investigate the impact of each change. This leads to faster implementations with lower risk, as well as reduced Total Cost of Ownership.

Implementation Toolkit?

Navigate your browser to the following link to see the overal portfolio of TVC and look on the list of TVC components: Structure Browser, Graphic Report, Grid, Personal Browser. You can request demo or AVI of a specific component.

Thinking about the component list, my hunch is that this is a toolkit that can be used to handle various types of implementation use cases. There is no visual resources on the website. Grid and structure browsers, XBOM, Office, Report generator, etc. – all these components demonstrate a toolkit approach. I believe Technia engineers utilized a deep knowledge and experience of almost a decade of implementations.

PLM Portfolio and Implementation Toolkit

In the early beginning, a typical PDM / PLM product was a toolkit based implementation. Going back to Metaphase or MatrixOne, most of the implementations were done this way. However, for the last decade PLM mindshare leaders developed a significant set of PLM portfolios. The combination of out of the box products and toolkit approaches is the most critical element of successful implementations. To have a right balance can be very helpful, especially if you think about future product upgrades. Too much toolkit approach and your future PLM upgrade becomes a bloody mess. It looks like Technia engineers invented something special in their way to implement TVC together with ENOVIA V6. I hope to learn more about this in the future.

What is my conclusion? To combine a “toolkit approach” and major product portfolio of mindshare PLM vendor is a very interesting problem to solve. Based on what I learned from the press release and by combining this information with TVC list on Technia website, Technia engineers invented some “secret sauce” of combined implementation. These two approaches are orthogonal and requires intelligent methods to be applied to solve them. My hunch TVC is used to expand ENOVIA portfolio in the spaces where customization is required. Just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg

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