A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Social PLM and Facebook Data Centers?

Social PLM and Facebook Data Centers?
10 April, 2011 | 1 min for reading

Slow down… Facebook is not creating PLM yet. Facebook is growing their infrastructure. I read about Facebook Open Compute project. Navigate your browser to the following link and read about Facebook’s innovation in the area of cloud computing. Here is my favorite quote:

So what is it? Facebook is opening up the specifications and design documents that went into creating their customized servers and datacenters. According to Facebook, these are much more efficient than the industry standards out there right now — especially if you’re specifically building social applications. In fact, Facebook says their servers are 38 percent more efficient than the off-the-shelf ones they were buying previously. And that has meant a 24 percent cost savings

You can take a look on the video produced by Facbook:

What is my take? I’ve heard about multiple ideas how PLM can leverage social technology. This is the unusual one. Facbook data centers. Why it is important? I can hear a tone of openness in the way Facebook presents it. Is it a take on Google? Maybe… However, manufacturers and PLM providers are concerned with the security and talking about private cloud. The technologies demonstrated by Facebook can be an option to build a cost effective PLM cloud. Just my thoughts..

Best, Oleg

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