A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

My First Take on PLM Cloud Maturity Model

My First Take on PLM Cloud Maturity Model
3 January, 2012 | 2 min for reading

The beginning of the year is a good time to think about BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals). Cloud was one of the dominant topics for the past two years of blogging on PLM Think Tank. So I decided to make a step up and think beyond one-page blog article. Two publications inspired me to do so – Tech-Clairty publication A maturity model for Product Data Accessibility and Oracle whitepaper – Cloud Computing Maturity Model. It made me think about how to summarize the current state of PLM industry and the development of cloud solution into something that will make a practical sense for manufacturing companies and help them to decide about their PLM cloud strategies.

Actually, I found interesting the fact cloud PLM was around for the last decade. Arena Solutions was pioneering PLM on the cloud since early 2000s. Recently, I figured out that Arena Solutions (original name – BOM.COM) passed multiple transformations on their way to position their product and strategy. In the following video, Eric Larkin (Arena’s co-founder) explains how Arena passed from the original idea of BOM.COM via PLM on Demand to the cloud BOM and change management on the cloud

I found very interesting to listen and compare Larkin’s talk to Steve Bodnar’s intereview explaining Autodesk Cloud PLM approach. In my view, Autodesk is clearly playing a role of “fast-second” by trying to learn from mistakes of PLM industry and advantages of cloud technologies.


Crowd-sourcing and Maturity Model development?

Here is my challenge. I want to apply the idea of a crowd-sourcing via blogging to the development of PLM cloud maturity model. I will be publishing PLM cloud maturity model in the end of each month and learn from comments and feedback with a hope to come something meaningful at the end of the year.

What is my conclusion? A short conclusion is mostly related to two videos I shared with you. It is interesting to compare Cloud PLM as it perceived by Arena Solutions – company pioneered cloud PLM solutions for the past decade and dominant CAD vendor taking advantages of the resources and learning from the experiences and mistakes of last 10 years of development. I’m looking forward to hearing back from you about what do you think about cloud adoption and PLM cloud maturity model. I hope it will be an interesting journey… Just my thoughts.

Best, Oleg

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