Archive for September, 2015

Don’t use these buzzwords in PLM presentations

Don’t use these buzzwords in PLM presentations

Buzzwords is one of the funniest things in enterprise software. PLM industry is guilty many times for overused buzzword lingo. Just think about “disruptive service oriented, big data enabled PLM platform with flexible process in the cloud”. I spent last two weeks listening to many presentations during Autodesk PLM360 and…

PLM vendors and multiple IoT platforms

PLM vendors and multiple IoT platforms

How are you doing this morning? About joining IoT world and create (or buy) IoT platform? You are not alone, by the way. Just two weeks ago, I mentioned Autodesk/SeeControl acquisition in my article “How IoT can eclipse and outcompete PLM vendors“. Earlier this morning, the big news coming from…

PLM Integrations: If-then, hammers and polymorphism

PLM Integrations: If-then, hammers and polymorphism

Many years ago, I’ve been doing some work implementing PLM-ERP integration using Microsoft BizTalk Server. It was fascinating experience. BizTalk was expanding its integration capabilities and tools. It worked very well for many cases. However, after many years, I have to admit that for some complex PLM-ERP use cases it…

Why Big Data opportunity for product information is huge

Why Big Data opportunity for product information is huge

Time. It is all that matters for business. The demand of customers to solve problems here and now are growing. To present 5 years roadmap is important, but to solve today’s problem is even more critical. If something will kill our business today, then 5 years roadmap can be irrelevant….

How to close collaboration gaps in CAD and PDM

How to close collaboration gaps in CAD and PDM

We don’t have to share the same room to work together these days. Business are discovering globalization option following customers across the globe, skilled workforce, capital and supply chain option. In such environment, it is an imperative goal to develop reliable collaboration option. There are many technologies these day that…

PLM Business Growth and Sales Super Rep

PLM Business Growth and Sales Super Rep

PLM sales process is painful. Think about PLM sales rep. For him, PLM sales process is a long journey of building consensus in a prospect organization, following engineering groups and CIO organization, planning meetings, quoting industry analysts,  learning about complexity of a prospect manufacturing companies, bringing references from existing customers,…

CAD, cloud PDM and special cloud sync

CAD, cloud PDM and special cloud sync

Once upon a time, all my files lived on my computer. I was able to control it, backup and even search using desktop search tools. When I had to collaborate to others, I usually send them files using email. CAD files don’t fit emails – they are big and have…

PLM360 is promising to integrate with everything

PLM360 is promising to integrate with everything

Just to think about integrations and PLM can hurt your mind. Integrations are complex and expensive business. It is not unusual to hear from manufacturing companies that they do manual integration between products to avoid unexpected complexity and cost. Usually integration is done as a service project and requires skilled…

Twitter PLM Q&A – ask me anything!

Twitter PLM Q&A – ask me anything!

Happy Friday! Summer is over and long weekend is just around the corner. A good time to try something new. I was thinking about to try a new way to communicate with people interested how to make the world of software for product lifecycle management better. Beyond PLM is running…
