Market and Technology

PLM Implementation Options

PLM Implementation Options

Lot of things is already written about PLM implementations. In my view, PLM implementations are still holding the top complexity rank among all other enterprise software business services. There are many reasons for that. The first and most obvious – the topic is complex drives diversity of opinion, ways to…

Next PLM marketing battle – monolithic system

Next PLM marketing battle – monolithic system

PLM is getting more competitive these days. Cloud technology development, SaaS applications and new business models injected competitive energy between old established PLM vendors, growing vendors and startups. Established PLM vendors learned how out-market cloud PLM newcomers. Debates about “true cloud” are interesting, but not very productive and PLM industry pretty…


Open vs. Closed PLM Debates

I read Fortune CNN Money Blog article by Jon Fortt – Chrysler’s Engineering Software Shift. In the competitive world of PLM software it raises again the question about what is the better choice – Open or Closed? The context of this article is leaked information about Chrysler’s movement from CATIA…


How To Disrupt PLM Price with Technologies?

My post “How To Manage ECO Without Paying $1’500 Per Seat” raised a very interesting discussion on Zero-Waite State blog about PLM price. Thanks Stephen Porter for doing that. I recommend you to get inside and have a read. This post made me think about the future of PLM price…


Mid-market PLM: Smashed Or Transformed?

I’m following PLM for mid-market trends Jos Voskuil’s virtualdutchman blog. This weekend, I had chance to read his PLM for mid-market mission impossible post: PLM for the mid-market – mission impossible. Jos figured out two main characteristics of PLM: [… There are two main characteristics for this mid-market: Sales and…

How PLM Vendors Can Listen To Competitors?

How PLM Vendors Can Listen To Competitors?

Last week I had chance to read Forbes’s article (Listen To Competitors — Not Customers), which made me think more about competition in Product Lifecycle Management. I read this article few times, and, I think, found why I felt not comfortable with position of author. The definition of customers is…

Key Success of SharePoint – What Should PLM Learn?

Key Success of SharePoint – What Should PLM Learn?

I’ve been thinking about Microsoft SharePoint success in enterprise organizations. For the last few years Microsoft leapfrog in their ability to provide SharePoint-based solutions. I will put below few points that in my view are the foundation of this SharePoint success. 1. Basic solution for share files and portal availability….
