A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Future Trends

30 September, 2009

I think, we’ve faced many changes during past few years related to how enterprise software is going to be implemented....

29 September, 2009

I’d like to think about how to improve collaboration… So, why I’d like to talk about “collaboration” again? We got...

25 September, 2009

The term “management” is very misused, in my view. Long time ago, somebody told me – if you don’t know...

22 September, 2009

Social PLM. Social Product Development. Social Network and PLM… I think we got lots of such discussion in the past...

18 September, 2009

The following publication drove my attention last week. Microsoft is jumping more and more in this Open Source. “Now, Microsoft...

17 September, 2009

I want to touch and discuss an issue of data protection. When thinking about Product Lifecycle Management and related disciplines,...

16 September, 2009

I want to talk today about the future of PLM in terms of content. My initial thoughts were about SOA/WOA...

12 September, 2009

Web is coming to every place. I think in retrospective and see web as a next big change in the...

10 September, 2009

I’ve been enjoying reading UK Telegraph’s “50 Things that are being killed by the Internet“. So, good news – PLM...

4 September, 2009

For years, PLM and not only PLM, but also other enterprise systems like ERP supported idea of a single backbone...

25 August, 2009

My short prompt today is about Cloud/SaaS infrastructure. Reading the following article by Dion Hinchcliffe comparing cost trends of leading...

24 August, 2009

You can ask me – why would you like to talk about trends? Trends are something normally going toward an...

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