Search Results For: “monolithic ”

CAD-PLM integration and microservices architecture

CAD-PLM integration and microservices architecture

Integration is hard. Especially when it comes to such complex environment as engineering and manufacturing. Zerowait-state article PLM Dilemma and Engineering Data by Stephen Porter provides an excellent description of complexity related to CAD data integration into PLM environment. The PLM must have a data model that can capture the design product…

3 reasons why size won’t matter in PLM future?

3 reasons why size won’t matter in PLM future?

The debates about small vs. large PLM implementations are probably as old as PLM software. Joe Barkai recently came with several very controversial blog series – Is PLM Software Only for Big Guys? One of these posts – Do PLM Vendors Think SMBs are Just Like Large Enterprises, Only Smaller? Note the…

PLM One Big Silo

PLM One Big Silo

Silos is an interesting topic in enterprise software. And it is a very important topic for product lifecycle management. Why so? Because, PLM is heavily relies on the ability to work and communicated across the organization and extended value chain. Accessing information in multiple departments, functional domains and application is…

Does PLM have a chance to win over ERP dominant position?

Does PLM have a chance to win over ERP dominant position?

PLM and ERP have long “love and hate” relationships in manufacturing world. You can find lots of materials speaking about complementary roles of PLM and ERP. This is of course true. However, integration between PLM and ERP never been easy. Despite many technologies, systems and solutions available on the market,…

How PLM can adopt Sales 2.0?

How PLM can adopt Sales 2.0?

The last decade was all about 2.0. To me, 2.0 trend was about how to re-think existing norms and behaviors, re-invent something well-known and to challenge existing axioms. Internet changed a lot in our life for the last decade. One of the places that remains very conservative is enterprise sales….

Will Google Create a Platform for New Enterprise PLM?

Will Google Create a Platform for New Enterprise PLM?

Those of your who following my blog long enough, knows that from time to time, I’m speculating about Google and PLM. The last time I did it was almost a year ago. Navigate to the following link – PLM and Google Enterprise to refresh your memories. While lots of Google…

Daily PLM Think Tank

Daily PLM Think Tank

Originally, Think Tank is an idea generator. I’m posting my daily thoughts about different aspects of Product Lifecycle Management – technological, organizational, business here. Follow PLM Think Tank category in my blog. Below you can see the archive of all my “think tank” posts starting from 2008. PLM Perfect Storm…

What is the biggest PLM challenge?

What is the biggest PLM challenge?

I’m continue the conversation with my PLM blogging buddy – Jos Voskuil at virtualdutchman. For the last two weeks, Jos is running a multi-part blogging series about PLM 2.0. I found this topic engaging and touching lots of important things related to PLM industry discussion, so I decided to put…

Social Intranet and PLM Apps

Social Intranet and PLM Apps

One of the very interesting trends in the modern IT, I’m observing these days is adopting consumer technologies in the enterprise. In general, I can see Information technologies are in the crossroad of decisions about how to adopt fast growing technologies coming from consumer space. Two of them which have…


PLMosaur, Traditional PLM and SaaS Newbies

I think cloud / SaaS option for PLM can become a reality earlier than expected. Listening to customers, vendors as well as reading all news and buzz stream, I can definitely see a changing trend with regards to cloud based solutions. There is an increased trend of discussion about possible…
