Search Results For: “monolithic ”

From GrabCAD Community To Multi-Tenant SaaS PLM Systems

From GrabCAD Community To Multi-Tenant SaaS PLM Systems

My attention was caught by the GrabCAD blog announcing a fond farewell to GrabCAD Workbench. I’ve been following GrabCAD for quite some time on my blog. GrabCAD created a large community website where engineers were able to upload and share their 3D CAD files. Community features included a 3D Viewer….

How To Move Beyond Debates About What Comes First PLM or ERP?

How To Move Beyond Debates About What Comes First PLM or ERP?

It is no secret that PLM (product lifecycle management) and ERP systems are two of the most important systems within any manufacturing organization. Both systems play a critical role in managing product data and operations, but which system should come first? For years, the Enterprise Resource Planning implementation priority line…

Digital Transformation, Engineers, and BOM Excel Paradox

Digital Transformation, Engineers, and BOM Excel Paradox

Although many manufacturers still rely heavily on document-based Bill of Materials (BOM) Excel files, the days of these archaic systems and processes are numbered. While managing BOMs using Excel and spreadsheet files is widely popular, they also come with a host of disadvantages that can negatively impact a manufacturer’s operations….

The Future of PLM Data Modeling – RDF/OWL vs SQL?

The Future of PLM Data Modeling – RDF/OWL vs SQL?

How do you envision the future of PLM data modeling? In my earlier posts, I was talking about some of the trends that are happening in PLM architecture and technologies these days. If you missed them, here are some of the links to them. A growing role of data in…

How PLM Can Build Ontologies?

How PLM Can Build Ontologies?

When I started my work at PLM, everything was about the software. What software to develop and use? It was important to learn about what is the right database and programming language to build software. Much less focus was on how the application is storing the information and managing it…

Autodesk PLM Trajectories 2022 and Future Platform Openness

Autodesk PLM Trajectories 2022 and Future Platform Openness

I’ve been following Autodesk PLM development for the last decade. It has many turns during that time- from ignoring PLM as a discipline with a famous Carl Bass anti-PLM rap to becoming the first large CAD company to start a cloud PLM business. Here are a few of my previous…

PLM Strategy For Post COVID Time

PLM Strategy For Post COVID Time

The last three years were one of the most turbulent in the history of PLM. COVID, supply chain challenges and now growing cost of energy sources amid the Ukraine war are creating one of the most challenging environments for manufacturing companies. Altogether, it brings many questions to people that are…
