Archive for July, 2010

SAP-Hemisphere PLM Trend?

SAP-Hemisphere PLM Trend?

I read the following article by Manufacturing Automation – SAP Taps Partnership for Manufacturing Software Enhancement. (you need to be a member to read it. Membership is free). The story is about SAP’s partnership with a company Right Hemisphere. The SAP-Hempishere partnership isn’t new. It was made initially in 2007 when SAP invested…


iPad: PLM and non-PLM User Experience

I think, we are going to see more iPad applications in coming year. Will PLM and other enterprise software vendors adopt new Apple tablet? This is a very good question. On the surface, I can see multiple trials to introduce various iPad applications. Below you can see few examples of iPad…


PLM and Engineering Documents Identification

My new website and blog is BeyondPLM. The original post is here. The question of identification is probably of the most complicated and always raises lots of interest. I had a chance to discuss early on my blog a topic related to Part Numbers and Part Identification. The discussion raised…

PLM and Engineering Documents Identification

PLM and Engineering Documents Identification

The question of identification is probably of the most complicated and always raises lots of interest. I had a chance to discuss early on my blog a topic related to Part Numbers and Part Identification. The discussion raised lots of opinions and comments. You can track them on the following…

How To Define PLM?

How To Define PLM?

What is the proper definition of PLM? This is a simple and complex question at the same time… Recently, I had a chance to see few interesting definitions of PLM. One is very long and comprehensive came from Siemens PLM website and contains lots of examples and even point on…

PLM, Granularity and Engineering Numbers

PLM, Granularity and Engineering Numbers

I think, the future of engineering software belongs to solutions that will provide a higher level of granularity. More flexible and granular solutions will be able to provide a better way to be tailored to satisfy customer needs. In the past, I had a chance to write about granularity in…


Top 3 Elements of a Successful Social PLM Strategy

My new website and blog is BeyondPLM. The original post is here. Social is trending these days. We can see this, analyzing the broad change in the Internet trend usages these days. What happens is a shift towards social tools and Facebook is definitely game changer in this space. So,…

Top 3 Elements of a Successful Social PLM Strategy

Top 3 Elements of a Successful Social PLM Strategy

Social is trending these days. We can see this, analyzing the broad change in the Internet trend usages these days. What happens is a shift towards social tools and Facebook is definitely a game changer in this space. So, the new hero was born. Facebook. Is it the new way…


PLM, High Definition and Complexity

The complexity is probably the biggest problem that exists in PLM today. How can we resolve it? Siemens HD PLM is supposed to solve PLM complexity by proposing a new visual way to discover product information combining visual and textual effects. Al Dean of Develop3D was talking in his interview about…


How To Make PLM in… Apple Way?

I found the following presentation by Ouriel Ohayon very interesting. Please, take a look and make your impression. Apple Study: 8 easy steps to beat Microsoft (and Google) View more presentations from Ouriel Ohayon. Do you think one of the companies in the CAD / PLM / engineering domain can…
