A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PTC and Boston Weather Frustration

PTC and Boston Weather Frustration
26 October, 2010 | 1 min for reading

Later this week I’m going to attend PTC Lightening Event in Boston. For the last few months, I followed how PTC was preparing for this event. I have to say – it was very impressive. The following video is my favorite.


PTC’s preparation for this event reminded me Moscow Olympic Games 1980. According to the 30-years-old rumors, special preparations were made to guarantee nice and sunny weather in Moscow. So, looking on a Boston forecast, there is a chance that Boston’s weather won’t match Project Lightning.

C’mon PTC…  It is only two more days to fix this frustration 🙂

Best, Oleg

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