A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM and Immersive Language Tools

PLM and Immersive Language Tools
11 October, 2012 | 2 min for reading

Globalization is a reality of today’s manufacturing environment. It is no unusual to have even small companies distributed across the globe. At the time, web technologies are helping us to deploy systems globally, people collaboration is still something that goes beyond the technology. One of the most critical factors is the language. To have an ability to communicate in your own language is a dream for many people. Time ago, I had a chance to speak about seamless multi-lingual collaboration. The idea of software that can use transparently any language slowly becomes a true.

Navigate to Google’s blog – Communicate more easily across languages in Gmail. Google online tools are intensively using multi-language translation, which allows to support multiple language input and online translation. I found the following passage important.

That’s why today we’re adding more than 100 virtual keyboards, transliteration and IMEs—collectively called input tools—in Gmail. These tools enable you to type in the language and keyboard layout you’re accustomed to, making it easy to keep in touch with family, friends and coworkers from any computer. You can even switch between languages with one click.

It looks like a small feature. You can find alternatives. However, to make it done immersively is a key here. And by implementing them, we can convert annoying multilingual PLM environment into something similar to Word Lens mobile application where engineers and other people can communicate in any languages.

What is my conclusion? Small things make a big difference. One extra click can kill your mobile application. The demand of users is to have PLM user experience to match best in class consumer applications. Finally, vendors are starting to focus on these things. So, it is absolutely important. Just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg

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