The World has changed because we are all now connected to the thing called Internet. Think about last 10 years. The changes are dramatic. Here is thing… We are going to connect all our products to Internet in the next 10 years. It will demand lot of changes. Few years ago, I published an article – IoT data will blow up traditional PLM database. It was some of my early thinking about convergence of PLM and enterprise architectures in lights of coming IoT revolution.
ZDNet article – Without enterprise architecture, the Internet of Things is just… things brings a great perspective on transformation of data management and IT architecture in lights of what IoT will bring to us. Read the article and draw your conclusion.
I like the following passage, since it is very resonating with the role PLM development will play in the next few years of intertwining with IoT technologies.
The rise of IoT is shifting software and network requirements within organizations moving forward with efforts, the GAO report also states. The report’s authors predict more emphasis on “analysis programs that can condense large volumes of IoT data into actionable information,” as well as “‘smart’ programs that can augment or replace a human operator. Aggregated data gathered from IoT devices can undergo sophisticated data analysis techniques, or analytics, to find patterns and to extract information and knowledge, enhancing decision-making.”
Collecting information is simple. Sensors and storage will do a job, but what will come next? Manufacturing companies will be looking for a context that can be used to connect IoT data and to transform it into actionable information. All those part numbers, design changes, ECOs, bill of materials, maintenance plans… The information stored today in product development usually in multiple systems will be used as a context to aggregate IoT data.
Unfortunately, existing PLM systems are very much siloed and constrained. Also, lot of them are just focusing on PDM functions and document lifecycle. Many systems are operating in the context of specific company and not capable to absorb multi-disciplinary and cross company data.
What is my conclusion? We changed the world by connecting people to online system and data available on the internet. The net revolution is to connect every single manufactured product to internet. It will transform the way products are design, manufactured, sold and maintained. It will require re-architecture of existing product development systems. The level of transformation will be significant from the standpoint of scale, elasticity, data management and connectivity. PLM systems of 2025 will be very different from what companies are running today. Just my thoughts…
Best, Oleg
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Disclaimer: I’m co-founder and CEO of openBoM developing cloud based bill of materials and inventory management tool for manufacturing companies, hardware startups and supply chain. My opinion can be unintentionally biased.