PLM and organization

Product and Process Models in PLM – What Should Come First?

Common definition of the process – “a set of activities leading to the desired outcome”. Despite on such simple and straightforward definition, implementation of processes in PLM delayed and very often lead to a significant complexity in implementation. I’d like to analyze and discover why it happens and what other…


PLM: How Much Do We Have and to Whom it Belongs?

Extensive development of social trends and connection between social trend and product lifecycle management got me to think more about intellectual property of PLM and related product information, business process etc. How we handle it today and how we will handle it in the future? I can see three parallel…


PLM Prompt: Outlook Social Connector

Short Prompt. I enjoyed video and examples of Outlook Social Connector. If your life is around Outlook and Microsoft Office, you will be surprised by a great job done in Outlook to connect multiple social networks. If you are working as an engineer or designer you can now consolidate email…


PLM Prompt: How to Present Cloud PLM Solutions?

How you can explain to customers about PLM on cloud (or on demand)? Quite many times, I’m hearing a phrase “Cloud is not for PLM”.The cloud and on-demand topics were discussed multiple times, and I actually can find some very compelling reasons why cloud is good for PLM. I think…


Develop A Successful PLM Elevator Pitch?

How many times you’ve been in the situation when you need to explain what PLM is doing to the people who are not familiar with the magic TLA – PLM ? I assume it happened to you many times… It could be your technological fellows, potential partners, customers… or maybe…


Measuring PLM Technologies Payoff

Reading over the weekend ZDNet post, “Why IT cannot seem to deliver measurable productivity”, I started to think about how many times I heard about PLM technologies in the context of productivity and other aspects of PLM impact on organizational performance. Even, if I think, there is a significant improvement…


How Many Enterprise Backbones Organization Needs?

Interesting post drove my attention yesterday. Reading about the role of PLM as enterprise backbone, I wanted to raise a question – how many of such “e-bones” do we need? My experience shows that in every enterprise implementation, discussion magically came to the point of “what will serve as a…


Pitfalls of Selecting PLM For Order to Manufacturing

In today’s consumer oriented environment order to manufacturing systems becomes more and more popular. I see growing number of customers are interesting in the organization of “order to manufacturing” processes. Looking on exiting PLM systems, I’d like to discuss what are potential pitfalls in selecting PLM for such as “order…


PLM Plus User Experience Minus Complexity On Demand

Few publications around a new company called PLM+, which left stealth mode this week, drove my attention. There is not much information about PLM+ product. You can take a look on Josh Mings post in SolidSmack and Al Dean publication in develop3D as well as research PLMplus web site. So,…


Why is Change Process Speed Important?

Have you ever thought how important is speed of the process? Thinking about a potential implications of change process speed-up, I got to the conclusion that this can be a very good idea. I will try to explain why. Think about typical change you are making in the product you…
