A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Enterprise 2.0 Adoption and Social PLM

Enterprise 2.0 Adoption and Social PLM
27 November, 2009 | 1 min for reading

I had chance to read about adoption of Enterprise 2.0. You can take a look on RearWriteEnterprise blog post here. To see high-tech, manufacturing, aerospace and defense on the leading places was a very interesting and positive surprise.

I put it in the context together with DS Social Innovation, PTC Social Product Development and newcomers like Vuuch Business Communities . I think, Web 2.0 and coming together Enterprise 2.0 is getting stronger. In parallel, I see growing interest of enterprises to organize their system differently. Less interest in big and expensive programs and more interest in lean enterprise 2.0 initiatives. This is a main trend, that will define how PLM 2.0 will look like in 2010-12 years.

This is just my opinion. What do you think? Do you have any plan for Enterprise 2.0 tools adoption?

Best, Oleg

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